Friday, 25 April 2014

Minutes of four monthly meeting with NA Union held on 24.03.2014

Brig. Sanjeev Thapar was the chair Person.

The following were present.

Official side:

1. Shri Ram Bharosa, PMG, Rajkot.
2. Shri R.K. Jayabhaye, DPS(HQ), Ahmedabad
3. Shri N.S. Dhaktode, CIFA, O/o DA (P) Ahmedabad
4. Shri M.R. Desai, ADPS (R&E), CO, Ahmedabad

Staff side:

1. Shri H D Modh, C/S  A I SBCE Union
2. Shri N B Kundalia, President AI SBCE Union
3. Shri V R Shah, Circle Secretary, AI IPOs & ASPOs Asson.
4. Shri M D Shukla, ACS & ASP Anand

The meeting started with Welcome by ADPS (R&E), C.O Following old items were discussed in the meeting:

Item No.01/2013         Condemnation of computers supplied to SBCOs and supply to new computers.

Reply                            The item was discussed in detail and it was replied that out of eight places where the
                                     condemnation process is to be carried out shown in the reply circulated. The conde-
                                     mnation should be carried at three places i.e, region wise. All the units concerned to
                                     send the details and hardware to the Region / HQ to complete the condemnation
                                     quickly. At Regional HQ the respective condemnation committee to take immediate
                                     action for condemnation. However, it was advised that till the receipt of new hard-
                                     ware, the existing hardware should be used irrespective of condemnation approved
Item No.02/2013          Grant of road mileage to Sub Divisional ASPOs/ IPOs for their tour in their Sub
                                     Division instead restricting the claim to S.T fare (though the item was closed but as
                                     pointed out by circle Secretary, All India Association of Inspector & Asst.Supdt.
                                     (posts), it was discussed with the permission of chair and replied as under).

Reply                            The item was already discussed in the meeting held on dtd.27.06.2013 and closed.
                                     But the Circle Secretary has pointed out that there are many TA bills pending in the
                                     Units/Regions. The inormation of pending TA bills will be called for from the Units/
                                     Regions, He also pointeed out that ASPOs are claiming the TA as per entitled class
                                     even though audit has raised objection and recoverd the amount claimed in excess
                                     of train fare in case of ASP surat- Shri Arvind Kumar. The issue will be looked into
                                     and necessary instructions will be issed.

New Items:
The following new items given in the meeting by Staff side were discussed.

Item No.01/2014           This union urges. to submit that the duties prescribed for inspectors/Assistant Supdt
                                      of Posts are available in Postal Manual Volume VIII which may kindly be referred
                                      to first. The Cadre is suffering from stress and many health problems due to deviat
                                      ion from those rules by administration. The threatening languages are used for achi
                                      eving various targets like RPLI/BD revenue though they are not described in said
                                      rule. Your excellency is requested to intervene and guide the officers under control
                                      to use proper language while writing letters to IPOs/ASPOs. The worthy CPMG
                                      may kindly give direction to concerned authority not to write adverse in APARs
                                      of IPOs/ASPOs merely on the ground of targets not achieved. This is beyond
                                      books work and cant be reflected in the APARs.

Reply                             It was replied that any administrative instructions can be issed by the higher authori-
                                      ty directly to the ASPOs/IPOs. But when the matter concerned about writing of
                                      APARs about non achievement , if copy of such communication is given to all
                                      subordinates in between under the authority concerned and they are kept in the
                                      loop then, there is nothing wrong is issuing such letters.(item closed)

Item No.02/2014           Sir you will appreciate that opening of various types of accounts is a job of front
                                      line staff i.e PO operative staff and targets are set for the IPOs/ASPOs by
                                      Regional PMGS for daily mela and numbers of accounts to be opened.
                                      Threatening letters are written to IPOs/ASPOs directly by regional PMG. Please
                                      stop such harassment to the cadre and instruct them to allot targets to frontline staff
                                      and get them monitored through Divisional office who have 17 clerks in the office
                                      IPOs/ASPOs dont have clerical assistance.

Reply                             Duty list given in Postal Manual Volume VIII is the basic duties of IPOs/ASPOs.
                                      But achievement of allotted revenue targets to the ASPOs is also one kind of duty,
                                      as ASPOs are Sub Divisional Heads under whose control Post Offices are
                                      functioning. It was replied by Chief PMG that in the present situation, they should
                                      do the best efforts for generation of revenue and retaining the clientele.

Item NO.03/2014          Sir you will be appreciate that inspections/inquiries and court attendance are the
                                      main jobs for IPOs/ASPOs which already side line by regional PMGs/DH by
                                      allocating some other works as stated to above and technological works.If some
                                      short comings are noticed in the fundamental duties to be performed by the
                                      IPOs/ASPOs they are made accountable without considering the other jobs
                                      assigned to them. Kindly issue suitable directions to subordinate authorities under
                                      your control and obliged.

Reply                             Chief PMG replied that our main focus should be revenue generation. To maintain
                                      the existing customers and to increase the clientele besides our fundamental duties
                                      and other work.

The next four monthly meeting will be held in July-2014 . Items of agenda, if any, may be sent on or before

                                                                                            M R DESAI
                                                                               Assistant Director Postal Service, (R & E)
                                                                               Office of the Chief Postmaster General
                                                                                Gujarat Circle, Ahmedabad-380001